Dumb Thermostats

Dumb Thermostats

The thermostat. You have an expensive heating and cooling system in your home and then you add a glorified switch just to turn them on and off and keep your space at the temp you desire.  You have to have them, but who really cares? (more…)

…and we’re covered by State Farm!!

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][/vc_column][text_output]Last year my friend George and I worked on a little side project for fun. We didn’t have much time and there was no budget.  We made a commercial for a contest for Sprint’s release of the Samsung Epic.  <!–more–>Here it is:

Our ad was not accepted into the contest and we could never figure out why.  (They don’t tell you why, they just reject it.)

Now, State Farm is running this:

Just sayin’.[/text_output][/vc_row]