Anyone who works in the non-profit sector knows what a misunderstood industry it really is.
Most NPOs (Non-Profit Organizations) are not simply asking for “free money” as many believe. Although they’re usually called donors, the fight charities are really in is a battle for hearts.
There so many great causes to become aligned with but and it doesn’t matter where the charity has the greatest effect – support always comes from convincing others that your mission worthy of their time and money. It may be a personal experience with a friend or family member, a conversation, an image or a story, but there is a point in time where suddenly everything makes sense and the voice in their head says, “I have to help.”
What happens after that moment determines the future of the relationship with that donor, and a history of studies show that the majority of non-profits are failing to keep their donors beyond the first donation.
The Fundraising Effectiveness Project
On average, 61% of donors to a charity give one time, and then never give again. As bad as that news is, there also research that revealed some very good news – we know whydonors stop supporting a charity.
I can do something about that. I can help you keep more donors.
LOOM can create powerful social impact images in campaigns that unite you and your select corporate stakeholders in a communication strategy that is critical to maintain your relationship with your donors.