Everett Marshall
As a voiceover artist, I’ve played a key role in thousands of creative projects for advertising, training and educational programs, PSAs, corporate communications, documentaries, commercials, sports broadcast imaging, and promos for radio and TV in the United States and around the world.
Working with a clientele that ranges from Mom & Pops to Fortune 100 companies, my experience proves my ability. And while I admit I have an ego – everyone in media does – I choose to not feed mine. I’ve always felt very grateful to get to do what I do.
It doesn’t matter if its a small, one-time project or a long-term, top tier organization, I take great pride in delivering a high level of service to all of my voiceover clients and every project I produce.
This Is Us
My wife and I met at the radio station where I was the Creative Services Director and she was an intern. Unfortunately, I had a rule that I would NEVER date anyone from work. Clearly, I had to break that rule – and I did.
We were married less than a year later.
Laura developed into a very strong on-air and VO talent and when we had kids – they were naturally curious about why mom and dad go into a room and talk to themselves. Shortly after that, Kate and Matthew started their VO careers.
Laura – amazing depth and variety that plays as a tween-teenager, fun young woman/mom/shopper, or sexy and sophisticated.
Kate – oozes cuteness with a hint of snarky.
Matthew – low key, laid back, and mischievous.
Have some copy you’d like to audition? Send it!
Studio Connect
There are several ways to connect with my studio so that you can provide live direction during our sessions. With the exception of ISDN, these services are available without additional charges
Phone Patch: 314.266.1699
Skype: studio.everettmarshall
ISDN: Available Upon Booking